Sunday, July 29, 2007

Grand Canyon

As you can see from the picture, we went to the Grand Canyon today. The day started off slower than we expected, because when we went to enjoy our "high carb diet" continental breakfast that the Fairfield Inn always has, there were approximately 140 middle-schoolers from England already grazing. Yes, 140. Several bus loads. The girls heard one of their chaperones last night as he vomited all over the hall outside their room. Thank goodness it was all cleaned up this morning.
After our donut / muffin / toast breakfast, we drove to the Grand Canyon. Marissa felt the need to get hydrated, so she drank a liter of water on the way to the canyon. Of course, as we closed in on the entrance gate, she was about to burst. Ansley also needed to go to the bathroom. After entering the Park, we drove to the visitor's center. There was no parking place to be had. Marissa said, "You have to stop....Now!" I did, and she and Ansley ran off into the woods.....and the rest, as they say, was history....or should I say, "whiztory". Oh, and Will decided to find a snake hole as well. And guess what was around the next curve!!! Right!!! A bathroom. I parked right in front of it, and Julie, Hannah and I casually used the facility.

The Grand Canyon is bigger than you think. I can't describe it. Pictures do not accurately portray it. Ansley said, "this is overwhelming!" It was. We thoroughly enjoyed it, took some really good pictures, and we are totally glad we did this.

After the visit to the Canyon, we drove out of the park to a little town close by for lunch. It was o.k. The cool thing was a "Hopi Indian Art and Dance Exhibit". We went there and looked at their wares. There was this Hopi Indian beating a drum, and a "Ms. Hopi Indian" or something dancing. They called for volunteers to come out and dance with them, and all of our children....Hannah, Marissa, Ansley and Will.....all joined in. We have pictures of them. It was really funny and great.

We drove back to Williams, Az. where we are staying, and this evening visited the historic downtown area. This is where the Grand Canyon Railway leaves from, and the depot and railway hotel are really cute. It is also on historic "Route 66", and so we walked through the downtown area tonight and entered several of the stores on "Route 66". Guess we were getting our kicks.....on Route 66....O.k., corny, but true.

We leave for Albuquerquie tomorrow, and on the way will visit the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert. Finally, beginning tomorrow, the sun will be setting behind us as we begin the long journey home. We solicit your prayers and comments. The trip isn't easy....sometimes long and not so much fun....but so far, the trip is well worth it.

Mom and Dad, you are right. I am sure that we are building memories that we will treasure for years. Can't wait to see you and tell you about it. That goes for all of our loved ones.....kin and friends alike.



Kancy Cleveland said...

This is the most exciting trip that I have never taken. Thank you for allowing us to live it with you! Guess what? I did all of the morning prayer requests, PRAYER, and the Lord's prayer at all THREE services and only forgot to turn the mic on at the 11. The largest one. You'd have loved it. I was choked up from the trip pictures, then Greg Hill getting emotional, then Bobby doing the Moore going away saga that got everyone emotional, then we threw back in the Children's Moments which the kids just look in amazement that Julie is not there to do it. I did not even know it until later at home I said to Howard who was running the sound this morning at the 11, "Could you hear me now?" Which in his best supporting husband voice said, "it would help if you turned your mic on, I had to turn on the pulpit one." I am not worthy. God is good, ALL the time.

Bud and Jane said...

Well, I must agree with Kancy. This is the best trip that I have never taken. The amazing thing about the picture you sent is that Will is your tallest child. It's amazing what you see in a picture! HA! Today was a great day at church. It was very emotional and Bobby asked Tonya and Phillip to stand at the front door at the closing prayer. Of course, Bud had to stop her and hug on the way out and I thought we were going to have to get the crying towels out again. He went out the back door. Sunday School was great too. Ilene had been sick all week but did a great job. We probably didn't talk about all that she had prepared but got to talking about what Jesus had done for us on the cross and really had a great lesson. Take care and we pray for your safety. We look forward to many pictures and stories. Be thinking of a date you will be able to go to Caro-Mi.

Granddaddy said...

Loved your comments on the Canyon.
Also glad to see the picture. You all don't look too weary.
Hannah, you are right about Arizona, it is full of canyons and you will probably see more today on the way to the painted desert. You can see why this land was left for the Indians. Our forefathers did not want it.
Glad the trip is going well and look forward to your return.
Mawmaw and Grandaddy

Aunt Sarah said...

Hey guys, I went to the beach with my friend for a couple of days and I was happy to hear your trip wasn't over yet. Sounds like you are having a great time! Marissa, you and that hat got it going on girlfriend. Ansley, I couldn't retrieve your text you sent me! Sorry! Did you all walk out on the Skywalk in the Canyon? That would be awesome! Post more pics, I love them! Love you all! Aunt Sarah