Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 1 --- Country Music Nights

Well....not really. We are at the Fairfield Inn, Nashville Airport. Not exactly the Opryland Hotel. But I have to tell you, the whirlpool sure felt good!
Anyway, the kids had everything ready when I got home from Church, and all I had to do was load the SUV. And it's a good thing no one had gained any weight. We were (and are) packed like sardines (and no, I won't address the smell that sardines have in a small, enclosed space). The dumbo award for the day goes to It all started when Ansley didn't feel like eating before leaving the house. Of course, being the great, super father that I am, I made her eat a few bites of a turkey sandwich. Then, approximately 4 hours later....coming toward Rockwood, Tennessee....she was, famished......or maybe even closer to dying of starvation. Much to my "stick to the schedule" shagrin, we stopped at McDonalds to buy her some fries, McNuggets (what part of the chicken is that made of, anyway?), and of course, everyone else wanted something also. We go to the drive-thru window, and here is where I won the bone-head award. The McDonald's cashier told me it would be $12.15. Soooo, I gave her a $10 dollar bill, and a $5 dollar bill. She looked at the money...looked at me.....and said, "it is $12.15..." I told her, "yes, I know, that is why i gave you a 10 and a can give me the change". She smiled, and said, " gave me a $100 bill and a $5 bill...." Yes, she was right. How stupid was I. How honest was she! Needless to say, while in Nashville tonight, any song by Johnny "CASH", would be very appropriate.
We are up and on the road by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow, heading for St. Louis. Maybe I can do better with our money tomorrow.

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