Wednesday, August 1, 2007

We've got the Blues....

Those Memphis Blues. Yes, we are in Memphis tonight. Just got here, and checked into the downtown Marriott. It is raining to beat the band. What a long day today was...but tomorrow will be even longer.
We went to the Oklahoma Memorial this morning before leaving Oklahoma City. I cannot tell you how depressing that was. The memorials to the little babies and children who died in the Federal Building that was bombed just made us weep. The memorial was very interesting. They had the axle from the Ryder Truck that Tim McVay used, as well as other items the FBI used to build it's case. But the most impressive thing was the stories of the survivors and the heros. It was worth doing, but is very emotional.
From there, we drove and drove. We stopped at a McDonalds for lunch, bought it, and ate it on the road. The kids watched Narnia, High School Musical and Elf on DVD. Ansley says this is what is getting her through this trip!
We are about to go fight the rain and see Beal Street. Tomorrow morning we are going to Graceland and say hello to Elvis. Following our "paying of respects to the King", we are heading home. We are going to drive all the way back tomorrow, realizing that we won't be home until tomorrow night. Oh, how I long to sleep in my own bed.
Well, tomorrow's post will be the last....
Hope you are enjoying our recaps as much as we are the trip.
No comments today? Is anyone out there?
till next time...


Bud and Jane said...

We just got home from church about 30 minutes ago. It was a long day. The simplest meals always take the most time. Bud was at the church most of the day. We had pita pockets stuffed with ground beef, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, salsa and sour cream (if you wanted it). Then we had fresh vegetables roasted on the grill and also roasted red potatoes. The food was very good but really took a long time to cut up and fix. Anyway, we all enjoyed. Bud spilled a pitcher of lemonade someone had put in the refrigerator and the first time I went to the church I thought I was going to have to stay because my feet stuck to the floor. He must have mopped that floor six times today. The slides of the holy land were good, at least the ones we saw. We didn't get to see too many as we were in the kitchen cleaning it up.

I know you have had a wonderful time but I also know that it will be wonderful to sleep in your own bed. We are leaving after Sunday School and going to the mountains for a few days. It will be the first time we have gotten to go anywhere this summer and I am so ready. Bud will probably want to come home after a day or two to get in his bed but we might stay until Thursday morning. We are going to get to go to our church up there three times if we stay to Thursday. I'm excited about seeing all our friends.

Tell Elvis we said hello. We stopped by there March of 2006 to see him. We stayed in a motel right across the street. Not such a good section of town but the motel was really nice and clean.

Take it easy and drive safely. See you on Sunday. We have all missed you very much.

We (Bud)got our card today. Thanks for sending it.

Ilene said...

Oh, yes we are still out here. I am still enjoying "our" trip. Bobby and I were talking at church last night about how much fun it has been following you guys. There were a lot of people who came to hear Ken talk about his trip last night. I didn't get to see all of it either, but what I did see was interesting. Those dvd players in cars are fantastic. When I went with Philip & Tammy and the children to Disney, that is what made the trip down fun. I guess my children were very deprived because they only got to play auto bingo and "count cows" whenever we traveled.

Be safe on the journey home and I look forward to seeing you all back safe and sound. Love ya.

Lysa said...

Have no fear, your faithful followers are still here!
So, Jeff, get ready for the following questions
1. Would you do it again?
2. What do you wish you'd done differently?
Personal DVD players are on our Christmas list this year!
Enjoy the rest of the trip. You'll be home before you know it and life will return to its business and you'll be wishing you were back in the car!
Lysa, and the gang