Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Julie's View

Hi Everyone,
So glad our blog has a wide readership!! Anyone who knows the level of my computer skills knows why I haven't written yet!! We are having an interesting time . Tonight was an eye-opening experience. We ate at Applebees and they didn't serve sweet tea!! The girls were aghast! I think travel makes a person appreciate many things. I appreciate:
1) The mattresses in Marriotts
2) The new Harry Potter book (Hannah is quiet for hours)
3) A husband who likes to drive
4) Free breakfasts
5) Wearing no makeup and the same clothes(after all we will never see these people again)
6) Cars with DVD's
We are all excited about Colorado tomorrow and are leaving early so good night...
PS.Kim, Fort Hays State College is here. We rode around and looked at it. It was cute. I still don't understand how Jeff got here. Must have been a long trip

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